Trapeze Yoga
modern yoga props have improved in quality and comfort for inversion sling yoga, the fundamental concept is the same. These simple devices allow you to practice new and different poses in ways that can transform your practice, and in particular, your spinal health and core and upper body strength.
From Trapeze you have learn Everything! Most students initially become interested in the Yoga Trapeze for the spinal traction and passive backbends. However, they quickly learn that the functional pulling and grip strength involved in its use are equally (if not more) valuable and transform yoga into a truly comprehensive fitness modality. A yoga practice that integrates the Yoga Trapeze, even if just once or twice a week, can include pushing, pulling, holding, hip opening, twists, backbends, forward bends, and more. Yoga students
can work their shoulders, calm their nerves, and leave class floating on air.

Who Can & Cannot Do Yoga Trapeze?
Many take Yoga Trapeze classes to help relieve back pain, take their practice out of the ordinary, out of curiosity to get out of their comfort zone to try something new. However, Yoga Trapeze is a strenuous exercise and practitioners must be mindful of their health before engaging in this class. If you are in general good health and you’re willing to try Yoga Trapeze – then this class is for you. If you’re questioning if it’s for you, here are our general health considerations:
Pregnant woman may not participate
Those taking any pain medication, subscribed or over-the-counter (this includes Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc.)
Older adults must have permission from their doctor to participate in this activity
Those with high blood pressure must also have permission from their doctor to participate
Those with osteoporosis must have doctors permission to participate
Weight limit is 200 pounds
Yoga Trapeze is a wonderfully, challenging class that is full of surprises that helps mades some poses more accessible, incorporates strengthening the posterior chain not achieved in a traditional mat practice, and is fun! Please take care when considering this class and we look forward to welcoming you to this practice!
Our approach is rooted in practices that help children counteract stress, anxiety, and much more.
Based on
Non-clinical, fun sensory
space with Trapeze hammocks
as a therapeutic prop
Play-based therapy
to engage children
Holistic approach
rooted in mindfulness